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heres my shitty scrapped blog archive that is full of shitty, embarassing ramblings that go topic to topic in the most unflowing way.


last updated: 4/18/24

i think its interesting how as humans its either were wanting to be ahead of everyone else to get a good place in life or we want to work together to get in a good place in life. bullies get at other people to get on a higher and more respected standing either because theres freaks who actually support it, or because people are scared and dont wanna get beat up by said person. so they get respect in return. unless someone stands up to them and tell them theyre being an immature little bitch, or show them through getting em back physically. when people dont like someone else for something as simple as how they act, their personality or looks all that stuff theres nothing actually wrong with the person they dont like. theyre just trying to put themselves on a pedestal so they can be more respected. also yk i think its pretty interesting, so with people who dont like autistic individuals or just people with a mental disorder in general like? that technically means they have something wrong with them, them as in like, the person not liking the people with mental disorders because they have mental disorders. with humans as much as we strive to be higher on the ranks to get a good place in society wed be in ruins if we didnt work together. working together and trying to understand each other is natural. spreading hate and negativity about each other is the unnatural thing. so if anything dont the people who hate others with mental disorders?? like HAVE some kinda thing wrong with their mentality too? thats kinda a mental disorder in itself. like seriously if your brains wired in hate for others thats fucking stupid lmao. imagine just living your life off the hate you give out and practically get off to every night. i mean this could sound corny as fuck but i mean it we as a society need to just be kind to each other because its more than bullying this can cause real world issues. the reason wars start out is because of hate, miscommunications, and petty spite. do people not understand how fucking childish this is? leaders in this world are so fucking stupid. they get the title of being a leader and 2 weeks later theyre out here starting shit with others and putting others who want no part in these childish fucking fights to risk. people have died and i mean people CONTINUE to die cause of our so called "leaders" and their dumbass fucking rules. haha well maybe someone can just get everyone to listen and agree with each other and live in harmony and stand in a circle and sing cause friendship is magic. is what i would say if i was a dumbass bitch cause our worlds too far gone with these people their heads, are so fucking far up their own asses to fully comprehend that the shit theyre doing is wrong. adults always say how minors are fucking stupid blah blah their brains arent fully developed YAP YAP and holy shit man do they not see these people ruling the world rn. their mentality has aged BACKWARDS at this point. and god dude adults cant make up their fucking minds whether they want you to grow up or be their sweet little child because holy shit. they just pick and choose what you can do to grow up and what you do to stay young. god dude this is the most unorganized rant ive ever been on i might scrap it idk but jesus christ people need to grow up, if they wanna act like they know shit then they need to get in the mentality of ACTUALLY knowing shit. im scrapping this this is the most shitty thing ive written in a while it doesnt flow right
