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ill prolly just ramble about random shit on here not about my actual day, more about random interests and stuff like that.

man okay so i saw the craziest thing im just gonna rant about it okay? so i saw this vid someone made on tt saying they dont fw princess luna which, okay thats fine yknow ur allowed to not like a character but holy fuck man at least get her character and tropes right. so this person starts off by talking about how its shady how she gets redeemed immediately which yeah she totally couldve had a longer and more in depth character redemption arc, i agree fully with that thatd be cool as hell i wouldve loved to see that. but holy shit man just because she was reformed right away doesnt mean shes redeemed herself fully or made up for what she did. what happened with her becoming nightmare moon was she was overpowered with evil, so much that she turned into nightmare moon. a monster that her mind created because her emotions towards this situation was going unnoticed and unattended. nightmare moon is her emotions way of dealing with it because, no one else communicated with her to get to the problem, and she didnt communicate her emotions to others. she had every right to be upset at what happened with her sisters light getting more attention, i totally understand that. so that monster was defeated by the elements of  harmony yeah, but her feelings are very much still there and need to be dealt with. both her feelings with herself and how her feelings affect others are both things that are valid in not being sure with. nightmare moon wasnt luna, luna isnt nightmare moon. she isnt defined by her emotions and thats something her and others need to recognize. shes not gonna immediately be used to friendship, and shes not gonna become a great pony right as nightmare moon gets defeated. with nightmare moon being defeated that leaves room for princess luna to grow and learn as a pony with friendship, communication and growing together. and then they go on to talk about her in the episode 'luna eclipsed'. and how it was wrong of her to be confused when others were afraid of her. with this luna has every right to be confused about it for a few reasons. one being that it has been so long since shes been free from the moon, so with that and the time period difference from when she got banished to mlp ep1 where she was freed, thats a pretty big difference in equestrias customs and approach to the princesses of equestria. for example the royal canterlot voice is something we hear in that episode being used by luna. its something that she does pretty much automatically when talking to her subjects because thats what she knew to do back before her imprisonment. along with that, the fact she was upset during this time and on the path to become nightmare moon surely she mustve been pretty bitchy to her subjects for a bit, thats an adjustment that she had to make, and she DID make that adjustment in that episode and thats great. another reason is the psychological effect of what happened with her and her emotions spiraling. mental health is a very real thing and she does have trauma with becoming nightmare moon which is shown in the episode 'do princesses dream of magic sheep' which you can see her freaking out about the possibility of being the cause of something awful happening to equestria again. she wants to change and learn, she wants to help ponies. i think ppl need to stop taking the messages of mlp episodes completely out of the context because my little pony isnt gonna have perfect characters. and i think thats what makes the show so much more perfect because its realistic and spreads good messages about friendship communication and togetherness. and then this person brought up the episode 'the royal problem', the episode showing starlight glimmer (i love her btw shes so sick) being called on the cutie map to the castle where celestia and luna live to solve a friendship problem. she finds out that the problem that needs to be solved is between celestia and luna. so this person brought up how luna was complaining about her sister so much in that episode when? celestia did the same exact thing. they both misunderstood each other and didnt take the time to understand each others daily tasks and how much they really impacted them. they also brought up how luna and celestia both did things to provide for the other and how luna barely did anything. but it doesnt fucking matter how much someone does for another, the most important thing is the thought the person puts behind it. they mentioned how luna was complaining and nitpicking celestia but again, celestia did the same damn thing which doesnt make it justifiable on either end?? both of them are in the wrong here yk? and lets be so real rn theyre sisters, theyre gonna fight. i mean equestria almost got sentenced to eternal night over one of their fights i think a fight over somethin more tame like this is okay and yes they both shouldve gone about it differently and they learn to at the end of the episode. this person mentioned how luna isnt present as much as celestia which? yeah id expect that because even at this point in mlp shes still learning shes not perfect, and plus shes the younger sister of course celestias gonna step up more than she does because she loves and cares about her younger sister shes gonna wanna help more and put herself at risk more. and luna DOES do very much for equestria. i mean dude she fucking deals with equestrias nightmares every night so everypony else doesnt have them. and she enters ponys dreams and gives all the advice she can, and gets rid of these scary things for others. she does so much for equestria as well as celestia does. thats the point she isnt better than celestia and celestia isnt better than her. they rule together. anyways i love princess luna shes such an awesome character im gonna defend so many mlp characters till the day i die cause my god they need to stop getting mischaracterized and misunderstood anyways yeah friendship is magic all that yknow


ok so like music is crazy as fuck like the psychological aspect of it and how it effects people person to person or whatever is pretty cool actually. because okay, for example there could be one person like, lets name this guy something stupid like william. okay so william, hes like the happiest guy alive. not literally but hes a pretty happy guy okay? and hes walkin down a street listening to music through his headphones or whatever and hes listening to some happy music right? the kinda music that would be seen as fucking embarassing for some people to listen to but its so catchy you just cant fucking stop. yeah so this guy listens to that music except its not just occasional its all the time every day for his whole life hes listened to this poppy peppy catchy shit. now with that, theres a lot to unpack with that. either, hes just been a happy guy since birth, or hes just been high off music. as in like, using happy music to cope and it just always fucking works. this guy william couldve gone through the most traumatic fucking shit and is still fucking thriving to this day cause of the music that makes him happy. or hes just a happy guy and thats his purpose in the world or some shit idk. either way music really does help identify a person sometimes. man i have so much to say i dont even know where to go next, okay so lets say william crosses paths on his walk with this person uhh. their names gonna be wallow, so wallow is walking down the same street with their headphones in listening to some sad fucking music. its the type of music thats rooted in angsty shit and could really effect your mood. and so wallow, theyre a generally sad person. always sad, i couldnt tell you if theyre upset all the time but they are gloomy yeah. so this person wallow listens to this sad angsty music all the time every day for as long as they could remember. so wallow, either theyre just a generally sad person or they couldve went through some heavy traumatic shit. maybe that made them depressed and they cope with music, but instead of happy music they cope with more deep negative emotional music. something that lets themself just feel the things they need to feel. so with william he listens to his happy music, wallow listens to their sad music. lets say in the hypothetical situation where they both went through something traumatic and is using music to cope, both options have their ups and downs. william only listens to happy music, thats good because it makes him happy, its bad because he might not be letting himself feel the emotions he needs to to truly get better. wallow on the other hand only listens to sad music, its good because that lets them feel what they need to, its bad because that could hold them back from trying to feel happier. and this could vary from person to person its not gonna be black and white with this but again its all a hypothetical thing yknow? lets take a situation where the two are both upset. their coping mechanisms both revolve around music. lets say they are in the exact same situation. their parents are being really bitchy and stressing them out so they go to music as an escape. in this situation it made william completely happy and he was able to go about his parents nagging him calmly. but with wallow since they were allowing themselves to keep being upset through the music when their parents kept getting at them for shit it caused them to lash out because their emotions werent getting any better. and made this whole situation with their parents getting angrier and not taking the time to understand them and their feelings, and even after the parents left them alone wallow felt even worse than before. lets take another situation and say they both try out listening to the opposite music taste. william tries listening to sad music and this could go one of lots of ways. a few ways being because how desensitized he is to sadness and negative emotion his mood doesnt change that much if at all, on the other hand it could help him process his negative emotions in either a good or bad way. he might allow himself to just feel those emotions or might make him upset because of the change in being able to feel those negative emotions, etc etc the list goes on. same goes for wallow, when they listened to happy music it could go a few ways. the horrible but addicting catchiness of the song could make them feel happy, maybe not super happy but hey it could lighten their mood at least a bit. or maybe it makes them feel worse because of the change, maybe they dont wanna allow themselves to be happy. either because they wanna punish themselves for shit or just isnt used to it, maybe theyre scared. and theres totally more possibilities beyond that. theres so many psychological combinations for how these 2 ppl i just randomly made up might react to specific kinds of music let alone how many possibilities for how others respond to it in the world. and thats just music, everyone responds to everything differently and i think its so cool how every mind varies and reacts differently. no mind will ever be the same, they might be really, really similar but no ones thoughts, reactions, etc are the exact same. its really cool to me. anyways thats it chat tell me if i should make william and wallow into ocs or some shit


last updated: 4/17/24

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