#ey guys w#ats up i took ovr t#is dave guys page t#ats right t#is is fucking murrit takeover. u#### idk u can #ave #im back soon im just bored as fuck. so im doin t#is cause #ell yeah woo #oo


idk why im linking this but here




he/vinyl/disc (they/them is ok sometimes i guess)

im 16

likes: green day, photography, art, writing, piano, songwriting

dislikes: radiohead god dude i just, man i hate radiohead so much haha.


fursona stuff

cool ppl




5/17/24- answered some asks that i missed

5/5/24- ok im back for like a few minutes then im gonna dip again guys i hate murrit ignore that whole thing ok (also, blocked up all of murrits asks/draws, go to his page if you wanna ask her more shit its linked somewhere down there)

4/25/24- t#is is murrit takeover go ask me questions at t#e bottom of t#e page bro B)

4/18/24- added a page called "scrapped blogs" on my blog for all the rants i was too embrassed to post on the main page

4/17/24- blog entry (music)

4/15/24- new blog entry (mlp rant)

4/14/23- added more ppl to "cool ppl"(still a huge wip but wtv)

4/11/23- worked on some of the pages (cool ppl, blog, rhp) still wip though

4/10/23- site was launched 🔥🔥

i really like the movies juno and back to the future theyre a huge comfort. i like south park and mlp a lot too. i love video games theyre pretty cool, also im literally spiderman haha hes so me. i like the sonic franchise a lot. i love like, i mean not everything but yknow internet stuff is pretty cool. my favorite animals are wolves and uhh idk what else to add yap yap talk blah blah yap talk talk yap talking talk yapping yapping blah yap yap talk blah yap yap talk talk talk talk talk yap yap yapping blah blah yap talk talk yap talk yap talking

radiohead hate page


Green Day

Why Do You Want Him?

Green Day

Being Cool

Kimya Dawson

<== spacehey



draw something for me if you wanna !!

this is great tune ty <3

hell yeah



our sister made this for me guys look at how awesome this is

hey man 

fuck yeah

aw this guys so cute

here ill show you one of our cats too

here he is

his names tofu

isnt he cute


[or draw me smt# too i wanna see ur guys awesome ass art gimme rn]

yess eevees so awesome bro i love pokemon

aw its so cute w#at a dude

orb. also man t#is a tally #all reference isnt it


𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝓂𝒶𝓃💜

im gettin a lot of tally #all references tody thx man

murrits ur weezer

#ey bro

t#ankz sm dude B) and ik purple seems t#e most obvious answer but tb#? i love yellow and pink sm. purples like, a 3rd fav

guys look i drew me and Lo caus #es frontin wit# me rn isnt #e awesome

t#is looks so rad dude i love it

im gonna assssume t#is is a diff person or u might be t#e same but take a look t#ataway

w#atever you're flabbergasted wit# i totally agree

LIGMABALLS #a#a i beat u to it

u first ass#ole

#OLY S#IT GUYS go like and subscribe RN!! man i #ope you know i like. yelled at t#is [/pos so pos] t#is is AWESOME BD!!!

[side note i like. mistaked t#e "s" at t#e end of ur user for a "5" and spent a good few mins tryin to find w#ere i #ad you added it was funny as fuck #A#A]


#ey guys me and Edolon #ave r own website now fuck yea# go c#eck it out and send in some art or asks pretty pls im bored

ignore that dumbass murrits whole ass segment up there. god dude i cant believe this bitch opened an ask on here and he got more questions and drawings than me. and he promoted his and edolons stupid website💀 (joking its not stupid its actually pretty sick tbh) any davers in chat rn go send me some pictures and asks in support of this tragic ass fucking moment im having rn

nothing here either

nothing here

aw man this guys so cute

im glad to hear that cuz thats exactly the kinda shit i was going for